Chinese translation of the Dispositional Benign and Malicious Envy Scale (BeMaS)

Translated by

Wang, D., Wu, D., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Qiao, X., Mao, W., & Hu, Y. (2025)

Instruction text



# Variable Item wording
1 benign1 当我羡慕别人时,我会专注于我将来如何变得同样成功。
2 malicious1 我希望比我优秀的人失去他们的优势。
3 benign2 如果我注意到另一个人比我好,我会努力提高自己。
4 benign3 对别人的羡慕能够激励我完成自己的目标。
5 malicious2 如果别人拥有我想要的东西,我希望从他们那里拿走。
6 malicious3 我对我羡慕的人感到厌恶。
7 benign4 我努力达到他人的卓越成就。
8 malicious4 羡慕的感觉使我不喜欢对方。
9 benign5 如果某人有卓越的品质、成就或财产,我会努力为自己争取。
10 malicious5 看到他人的成就使我怨恨他们。

Scale anchors



The scale responses are scored by averaging the items of the benign envy and malicious envy subscales, respectively. Please find sample code here.

Translation reference

Wang, D., Wu, D., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Qiao, X., Mao, W., & Hu, Y. (2025). The relationship between workplace benign envy and employee innovation behavior: A moderated mediation model. Current Psychology.

Original reference

Lange, J., & Crusius, J. (2015). Dispositional envy revisited: Unraveling the motivational dynamics of benign and malicious envy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(2), 284–294.

PDF file


Other translations

Translations of the BeMaS to other languages can be found here.