Skala benigne i maliciozne zavisti // Serbian translation of the Dispositional Benign and Malicious Envy Scale (BeMaS)
Translated by
Marija Branković (2017)
# | Variable | Item wording |
1 | benign1 | Kada nekome zavidim, fokusiram se na to kako da budem jednako uspešan/a u budućnosti. |
2 | malicious1 | Želeo/la bih da superiorni ljudi izgube svoju prednost. |
3 | benign2 | Kada primetim da je neko bolji od mene, trudim se da se popravim. |
4 | benign3 | Zavist prema drugima me pokreće da ostvarim svoje ciljeve. |
5 | malicious2 | Kada drugi ljudi imaju nešto što želim, poželim to da im oduzmem. |
6 | malicious3 | Osećam neprijateljstvo prema ljudima kojima zavidim. |
7 | benign4 | Težim da dostignem one koji su bolji od mene. |
8 | malicious4 | Osećanja zavisti čine da ne volim druge ljude. |
9 | benign5 | Ako je neko od mene bolji, uspešniji ili imućniji, trudim se da to i sam/a dostignem. |
10 | malicious5 | Kivan/na sam kada vidim tuđa postignuća. |
Scale anchors
Participants answer on a 6-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree).
The scale responses are scored by averaging the items of the benign envy and malicious envy subscales, respectively. Please find sample code here.
Benigna zavist: 1, 3, 4, 7, 9; Maligna zavist: 2, 5, 6, 8, 10
Translation reference
Dinić, B. M., & Branković, M. (2022). Cross-cultural comparison of the benign and malicious envy scale (BeMaS) across Serbian and US samples and further validation. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 38(1), 49–60.
Original reference
Lange, J., & Crusius, J. (2015). Dispositional envy revisited: Unraveling the motivational dynamics of benign and malicious envy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(2), 284–294.
PDF file
Other translations
Translations of the BeMaS to other languages can be found here.